The Ins and Outs of Letters of Recommendation: What You Need to Know

If you're applying for a job or a spot in graduate school, letters of recommendation can make or break your chances of success. These letters provide insight into your character, work ethic, and potential as an employee or student. But what exactly are they? Who should write them? And how do you ensure that they'll be effective? In this post, we'll dive into the ins and outs of letters of recommendation - providing all the information you need to know to secure those glowing reviews!

The Ins and Outs of Letters of Recommendation: What You Need to Know

What is a Letter of Recommendation?

A letter of recommendation (or reference letter) is a document that provides feedback on an individual's ability to perform a particular task or function. It is typically written by someone who has first-hand experience with the individual being evaluated, such as a supervisor, colleague, or teacher.

The letter should provide specific examples of the individual's skills and abilities, as well as highlight any positive personal qualities. It is important to avoid making general statements or writing about anything that could be seen as negative. The goal is to provide an honest assessment that will be useful to the reader.

If you have been asked to write a letter of recommendation, it is important to take the time to do it right. Be sure to ask the person for permission before writing and give them a copy of the finished letter when you are done.

Who Can Provide a Letter of Recommendation?

There are a few different scenarios in which you may need to provide a letter of recommendation. Perhaps you're applying for a new job and your potential employer has requested that you provide them with a letter of recommendation from a previous employer. Or maybe you're applying to graduate school and one of the requirements is to submit letters of recommendation from professors or other professionals who can speak to your academic abilities. Whatever the case may be, it's important to know who the best people are to ask for letters of recommendation and how to go about getting them.

The first step is to identify who would be the best person to provide a letter of recommendation. This will vary depending on the situation, but in general, you want to choose someone who knows you well and can speak positively about your skills and abilities. If you're applying for a job, it's usually best to choose a previous employer or supervisor who can attest to your work ethic and skills. If you're applying to graduate school, on the other hand, you'll want to choose professors or other professionals who can speak to your academic abilities.

Once you've identified potential recommenders, the next step is to reach out and ask them if they're willing and able to write a letter of recommendation for you. It's important to give them plenty of notice - at least a few weeks - so that they have time to write a thoughtful letter. When reaching out, be sure to explain what the letter is for and why you've chosen  them as a recommender. Be sure to also provide any materials they might need, such as a copy of your resume or a list of topics you'd like them to focus on in the letter.

Overall, the best people to provide letters of recommendation are those who know you well and can speak positively about your skills and abilities. Reach out to ask them if they're willing and able to write a letter of recommendation for you, giving plenty of notice and providing any materials they may need.

What Should be Included in a Letter of Recommendation?

A letter of recommendation should ideally be written by someone who knows you well and can attest to your character and abilities. The letter should include a brief overview of who you are and what your relationship is to the writer, as well as a detailed account of your strengths and accomplishments.

If you are asking for a letter of recommendation for a specific job or school, it is helpful to provide the writer with a copy of your resume or application so they can reference your qualifications. It is also important to give the writer enough time to write the letter - requesting a letter at the last minute is likely to result in a rushed and less impressive letter.

How to Ask for a Letter of Recommendation

When it comes time to ask for a letter of recommendation, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, choose someone who you have a good relationship with and who you know will write a positive letter. Next, give the person plenty of time to write the letter - at least a month in advance. Be sure to send a thank-you note after you receive the letter.

Asking for a letter of recommendation can feel daunting, but it doesn't have to be. Just remember to choose someone you trust, give them plenty of time, and express your appreciation afterwards. With these tips in mind, you're sure to get the strong letter of recommendation you need.

How to Write an Effective Letter of Recommendation

When writing a letter of recommendation, there are a few key points to keep in mind in order to make it as effective as possible. First, be sure to personalize the letter and address it to the specific person or organization that the letter is intended for. Generic letters of recommendation are much less impactful than those that are tailored to the recipient.

Next, focus on highlighting the positive attributes of the person or program you are recommending. Avoid any negative language or comments, as this will only serve to detract from the overall message of the letter. Instead, try to emphasize what makes the individual or program stand out and why you believe they would be an excellent choice for whatever opportunity they are seeking.

Be sure to proofread your letter carefully before sending it off. A well-written and error-free letter will make a much better impression than one that is riddled with typos and grammatical errors. Taking the time to ensure that your letter is polished and professional will show that you take both the process and the recipient seriously.

Tips and Best Practices for Writing Letters of Recommendation

When writing a letter of recommendation, it is important to keep the following tips and best practices in mind:

1. Be specific and detailed in your praise. A letter of recommendation should not simply be a generic statement of support – it should be specific and tailored to the individual being recommended.

2. Use concrete examples to illustrate your points. Again, this will help to make your letter more convincing and impactful.

3. Keep it positive – focus on the individual’s strengths, rather than their weaknesses.

4. Make sure you are familiar with the requirements of the program or position the individual is applying for, so that you can address them specifically in your letter.

5. Be sure to proofread your letter carefully before sending it off!

Alternatives to Letters of Recommendation

There are a few alternatives to letters of recommendation that can be just as effective in showing your strengths and abilities. One option is to provide a portfolio of your work or accomplishments. This can be especially helpful if you have extensive experience in a particular field or area. Another alternative is to provide letters of reference from people who know you well and can speak to your character and abilities. These could be from teachers, coaches, employers, or anyone else who can attest to your skills and qualities. You could also choose to do an interview with someone in a position of authority who can vouch for your abilities. While not as common, this can be a great way to show off what you know and impress potential employers or schools.


Writing a letter of recommendation can be both an honor and a time-consuming task. It is important to understand the purpose of the document, what type of information it should include, and how you can present yourself in the best light possible. When writing letters of recommendation for someone, you have the chance to make a real difference in their lives by providing them with an impactful endorsement that will help open doors they never thought imaginable before. With these few tips in hand, you now have all the necessary tools to create outstanding letters of recommendation!